張宏杰博士1985年於雲南大學化學系獲學士學位,並於1988年及1994年於中國科學院昆明植物研究所植物化學研究室先後獲得碩士和博士學位,其間1993年於日本德島大學留學。他於1991-2002年在中國科學院昆明植物研究所植物化學室任職助理研究員/副研究員/研究員,其間1999年至2002年於美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校藥學院(University of Illinois at Chicago: UIC)做博士後研究,並在其後於2003-2011年期間在UIC任職研究助理教授/研究副教授。作為課題主持人和合作者,張博士參與了多項有關天然藥物、傳統草藥(包括中藥)、有機合成和生物合成等方面的跨學科和國際合作研究項目。資助項目來源於美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)、香港大學教育資助基金(RGC)、香港創新及科技基金(ITF)、香港醫療衛生研究基金(HMRF)、中國國家自然科學基金(NSFC)及中國科學院特別研究基金等。
項目 1 | Title: Discovery of Aryl Naphthalide Lignans as Potential Anti-HIV Inhibitors from the Medicinal Plant Justicia gendarussa Principal Investigator: Dr. ZHANG HONGJIE Funding Body: RGC-GRF Project ID: No.262912 Exercise Year: 2013/2015 Approved Project Duration: 24 months Project Fund: HK$1,268,250 Coordinator: - |
項目 2 | Title: Biological and Mechanism Action Studies of the Antitumor Natural Products Miliusanes Principal Investigator: Dr. ZHANG HONGJIE Funding Body: HKBU Faculty Research Grant (FRG) Project ID: FRG1/13-14/029 Exercise Year: 2014/2015 Approved Project Duration:12 months Project Fund: HK$50,000 Coordinator: - |
項目 3 | Title: In Vivo Evaluation of Antitumor Efficacy of Plant-derived Novel Natural Products Miliusanes Principal Investigator: Dr. ZHANG HONGJIE Funding Body: Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Project ID: ITS/131/12 Exercise Year: 2013/2014 Approved Project Duration: 18 months Project Fund: HK$1,284,701 Coordinator: - |
項目 4 | Title: Establishment of Plant Sample Library and Anticancer Drug Discovery Principal Investigator: Dr. ZHANG HONGJIE Funding Body: HKBU Interdisciplinary Research Matching Scheme (IRMS) 2012/13 Project ID: RC-IRMS/12/13-03 Exercise Year: 2013/2015 Approved Project Duration: 24 months Project Fund: HK$2,967,680 Coordinator: - |
項目 5 | Title: Structural Modification and Bioactivity Evaluation of the Antitumor Natural Products Miliusanes Principal Investigator: Dr. ZHANG HONGJIE Funding Body: HKBU Faculty Research Grant (FRG) Project ID: FRG2/12-13/046 Exercise Year: 2013/2014 Approved Project Duration: 12 months Project Fund: HK$135,000 Coordinator: - |
項目 6 | Title: Discovery of Anti-HIV Inhibitors from the Medicinal Plant Justicia gendarussa. Principal Investigator: Dr. ZHANG HONGJIE Funding Body: HKBU Faculty Research Grant (FRG) Project ID: FRG2/11-12/134 Exercise Year: 2012/2013 Approved Project Duration: 12 months Project Fund: HK$120,000 Coordinator: - |
◆ 博士研究生
◆ 天然產物的抗癌機制研究
◆ Email: 15485013@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 碩士研究生
◆ 抗人類免疫缺陷病毒天然產物的機制研究
◆ Email: 15485749@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 研究員
◆ 抗癌天然產物的機制研究, 過敏,藻類,海洋細菌
◆ Email: sslwk88@gmail.com
◆ 博士研究生
◆ 天然產物的化學成分研究
◆ Email: 15485692@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 研究助理
◆ 藥物化學
◆ Email: zhengming.liang@polyu.edu.hk
◆ 技術主任
◆ 抗癌天然產物的研究
◆ Email: liukanglun@hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 博士研究生
◆ 抗癌天然產物的研究
◆ Email: 13480448@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ PhD student (Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Awardee)
◆ 1. Mechanism study of natural anticancer compounds; 2. Evaluation of oxidative stress markers, antioxidants, trace elements and macro-minerals in human diseases
◆Email: 15484327@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 博士研究生
◆ 抗微生物天然產物的發現及機制研究
◆ Email: 13480243@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 博士研究生
◆ 抗病毒天然產物的化學成分研究
◆ Email: 16483103@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 博士研究生
◆ 抗癌天然產物的機制研究
◆ Email: 15485005@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 博士后
◆ 岭南植物和海洋微生物中的活性天然产物研究
◆ Email: xuxiny@hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 研究助理
◆ 生物檢測, 實驗室用品管理
◆ Email: jasonyin@hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 博士研究生
◆ 抗癌天然產物的機制研究
◆ Email: 14485540@life.hkbu.edu.hk
◆ 博士后
◆ 抗癌化合物的合成以及天然產物的衍生化
◆ Email: zhuyu_chem@outlook.com
1. | Pan WH, Liu KL, Guan YF, Tan GT, Hung NV, Cuong NM, Doejarto DD, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Zhang HJ.* Bioactive compounds from Vitex leptobotrys. Journal of Natural Products 2014, 77: 663-667. |
2. | Tsang SW, Zhang HJ, Lin CY, Xiao HT, Wong M, Shang HC, Yang ZJ, Lu AP, Yung KKL, Bian ZX. Rhein, a natural anthraquinone derivative, attenuates the activation of pancreatic stellate cells and ameliorates pancreatic fibrosis in mice with experimental chronic pancreatitis. Plos One 2013, 8: e82201: 1-15. |
3. | Li SH, Qiu SX, Yao P, Sun HD, Fong HHS, Zhang HJ.* Compounds from the Fruits of the Popular European Medicinal Plant Vitex agnus-castus in Chemoprevention via NADP(H) : Quinone Oxidoreductase Type 1 Induction. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013, 2013: Article ID 432829, 7pages. |
4. | Zou J, Pan LT*, Li QJ, Pu JX, Yao P, Zhu M, Banas JA, Zhang HJ*, Sun HD. Rubesanolides C-E: The abietane diterpenoids isolated from Isodon rubescens and evaluation of their anti-biofilm activity. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2012, 10: 4989-5152. |
5. | Soejarto DD*, Gyllenhaal C, Kadushin MR, Southavong B, Sydara K, Bouamanivong S, Xaiveu M, Zhang HJ, Franzblau SG, Tan GT,Pezzuto JM, Riley MC,Elkington BGT, Waller DP. An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants of Laos toward the discovery of bioactive compounds as potential candidates for pharmaceutical development. Pharmaceutical Biology 2012, 50: 42-60. |
6. | Gyllenhaal C, Kadushin MR, Southavong B, Sydara K, Bouamanivong S, Xaiveu M, Xuan LT, Hiep NT, Hung NV, Loc PK, Dac LX, Bich TQ, Cuong NM, Ly HM, Zhang HJ, Franzblau SG, Xie H, Riley MC, Elkington BG, Nguyen HT, Waller DP, Ma CY, Tamez P, Tan GT, Pezzuto JM, Soejarto DD.* Ethnobotanical approach versus random approach in the search for new bioactive compounds: Support of a hypothesis. Pharmaceutical Biology 2012, 50: 30-41. |
7. | Zhang HJ*, Qiu MH, Chen YG, Chen JX, Sun Y, Wang CF, Fong HHS. Plant Terpenes, in Natural Products, edited by Pezzuto, John and Kato, Massuo Jorge, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, [http://www.eolss.net], 2011. |
8. | Soejarto DD*, Gyllenhaal C, Riley MC, Zhang HJ. Ethnobotany of Natural Products, in Natural Products, edited by Pezzuto, John and Kato, Massuo Jorge, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, [http://www.eolss.net], 2011. |
9. | Rumschlag-Booms E, Zhang HJ, Soejarto DD, Fong HHS, Rong LJ. Development of an antiviral screening protocol: One-Stone-Two-Birds. Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals 2011; 3: 8-10. |
10. | Zou J, Pan LT*, Li QJ, Zhao JH, Pu JX, Yao P, Gong NB, Lu Y, Kondratyuk TP, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Zhang HJ*, Sun HD. Rubesanolides A and B: diterpenoids from Isodon rubescens. Organic Letters 2011; 13: 1406-1409. |
11. | Yang JH, Kondratyuk TP, Jermihov K, Marler LE, Qiu X, Choi YS, Cao HM, Yu R, Pegan S, Hung R, Liu Y, Wang LQ, Mesecar AD, van Breemen RB, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Chen YG*, Zhang HJ*. Bioactive compounds from the Fern Lepisorus contortus. Journal of Natural Products 2011; 74: 129-36. |
12. | Truong NB, Pham CV, Mai HDT, Hung NV, Cuong NM, Nguyen HT, Zhang HJ, Fong HHS, Franzblau SG, Soejarto DD, Chau MV. Chemical constituents from Xylosma longifolia and their anti-tubercular activity. Phytochemistry Letters 2011; 4: 250-253. |
13. | Truong BN, Pham VC, Mai HDT, Hung NV, Cuong NM, Nguyen TH, Zhang HJ, Fong HHS, Franzblau SG, Soejarto DD, Chau VM.* Antituberculosis cycloartane triterpenoids from Radermachera boniana. Journal of Natural Products 2011, 74: 1318-1322. |
14. | Yang JH,Kondratyuk TP, Marler LE, Qiu X, Choi YS, Cao HM, Sturdy M, Pegan S, Liu Y, Wang LQ, Mesecar AD, van Breemen RB, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Chen YG*, Zhang HJ.* Isolation and evaluation of kaempferol glycosides from Neocheiropteris palmatopedata. Phytochemistry 2010, 71: 641-647. |
15. | Cao HM, Yu R, Choi YS, Ma ZZ, Zhang HJ, Xiang W, Lee DYW, Berman BM, Moudgil KD, Fong HHS, van Breemen RB. Discovery of cyclooxygenase inhibitors from medicinal plants used to treat inflammation. Pharmacological Research 2010; 61: 519-524. |
16. | Michel JL, Chen YG, Zhang HJ, Huang Y, Krunic A, Orjala J, Veliz M, Soni KK, Soejart DD, Caceres A, Perez A, Mahady GB. Estrogenic and serotonergic butenolides from the leaves of Piper hispidum Swingle (Piperaceae). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2010; 129: 220-226. (supported by: US NIH R21-AT02381) |
17. | Zhang HJ*, Rothwangl K, Mesecar AD, Sabahi A; Rong LJ*, Fong HHS. Lamiridosins, hepatitis C virus entry inhibitors from Lamium album. Journal of Natural Products 2009; 72: 2158-62. |