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  • 研究
  • 成員
  • 文章著作




2003年,韓全斌博士於中科院昆明植物研究所獲得植物化學博士學位,並獲得科學院院長獎學金。2004-2009年,在香港賽馬會中藥研究院擔任研究 員。2009-2011年,在香港中文大學中醫中藥研究所任職研究助理教授。現為香港浸會大學中醫學院助理教授。

韓博士曾完成冬淩草、藤黃等藥用植物化學成分的 系統研究,以及多項關於中藥質量控制的研究課題,涉及植物化學、化學分類學、分析化學、多糖大分子以及多種生物活性研究。此外一直致力於高速逆流色譜在活 性物質追蹤方面的應用。至今成功申請並主持包括國家自然科學基金、香港研究資助局研究基金、香港特區政府衛生及醫護服務研究基金、創新科技署第三層次資助 計畫在內的多個研究項目。參與孫漢董院士團隊所完成的“香茶菜屬植物二萜及其抗癌活性研究”獲得了2013年度雲南省自然科學技術獎一等獎。至今已在多個 領域的主流雜志上發表了140多篇研究論文並申請多項中國和美國專利,四項已授權。


項目 1

Title: A Dendrobium QC marker and its use in quick efficient  and low-cost herb authentication

Principal Investigator: Dr. Han Quan-Bin 

Funding Body: MPCF-HKBU 

Project ID: KTO 03-26-042

Exercise Year: 2014/2015 

Approved Project Duration: 12 months 

Project Fund: HK$ 200,000 

Coordinator: Mr. Li Xiao-Jun 

項目 2

Title: Anti-EV71 agents from Zhimu 

Principal Investigator: Dr. Han Quan-Bin 

Funding Body: Research Committee of Hong Kong Baptist Universityt University 

Project ID: FRG2/13-14/026 

Exercise Year: 2014/2015

Approved Project Duration: 12 months

Project Fund: HK$ 120,000

Coordinator: Dr. Han Quan-Bin

項目 3

Title: The clinical potential of Astragalus polysaccharides in cancer therapy via 

synergism with antitumor drugs

Principal Investigator: Dr. Han Quan-Bin 

Funding Body: Health Medical Research Fund

Project ID: No. 11122531 

Exercise Year: 2014/2016

Approved Project Duration: 24 months 

Project Fund: HK$ HK$ 994,800 

Coordinator: Wan-Rong Bao 




   ◆ 研究助理

   ◆ 專業:預防獸醫學

   ◆ 電郵:baowanrong@gmail.com




    ◆ 研究助理

    ◆ 專業:天然藥物化學和分子生物學,中國傳統醫藥

    ◆ 電郵:kevinxiaojun@163.com

文章發表:  五項專利; 140+ SCI Papers;

1.    美國專利 (application No. 11/614,089)  ‘藤黃中的抗癌新化合物’, 2009年5月14日授權﹔
2.    中國專利 (application No. CN 200910095183.9) “一種制備毛萼乙素的方法”, 2011年10月5日授權。
3.    美國專利 (application No. 61/648,620)  ‘一種新的用於逆流色譜制備多糖的兩相溶劑系統’﹔
4.    美國專利 (application No. 13/940,944)  ‘一種用於快速高效鑒定鐵皮石斛的指標性多糖成分’﹔
5.    美國專利 (application No. 14151832)  ‘抗手足口病毒EV71的皂苷類化合物及其制備方法’﹔



Quan-Bin Han,   Hong-Xi Xu, Caged Garcinia Xanthones, development since 1937, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 16, 3775-3796. IF:4.07


Han-Dong   Sun, Sheng-Xiong Huang, and Quan-Bin Han, Diterpenoids from Isodon species and their biological activities, Natural Products Report, 2006, 23, 673-698. IF:   10.18


Quan-Bin Han, Ting-Fai Tso, Susan Cheung, Joseph Tai,   Chun-Feng Qiao, Jing-Zheng Song, Han-Dong Sun, Hong-Xi Xu, Maoecrystal Z, a Cytotoxic Diterpene from Isodon eriocalyx with an Unique Skeleton, Organic Letters, 2006, 8, 4727-4730. IF: 6.14


Xiao-Qiang Han, Gar-Lee Yue,   Rui-Qi Yue, Cai-Xia Dong, Chung-Lap Chan, Chun-Hay Ko, Wing-Shing Cheung,   Ke-Wang Luo, Hui Dai*, Chun-Kwok Wong, Ping-Chung Leung, Quan-Bin Han*, Structure elucidation and immunomodulatory activity of a beta   glucan from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma sinense, PLOS ONE, 2014, pone.0100380. IF: 3.73


Mengshun Liu, Ling Tao, Siu Leung Chow, Rong Wu, Shuangfan Cai, Mengjie Wang, Yifu   Yang, Dajian Yang, Zhaoxiang Bian, Aiping Lu, Quanbin Han*, Hongxi Xu*Folding Fan Mode Counter Current Chromatography (FFM-CCC) offers fast blind screening   for drug discovery.  Case study:  Finding anti-enterovirus 71 agents from Anemarrhena asphodeloidesJournal of Chromatography A,   2014, 1368, 116-124. IF: 4.61


Jun Xu, Song-Lin Li, Rui-Qi Yue, Chun-Hay Ko, Jiang-Miao Hu, Jing Liu, Hing-Man   Ho, Tao Yi, Zhong-Zhen Zhao, Jun Zhou, Ping-Chung Leung, Hu-Biao Chen*, Quan-Bin Han*, A novel and rapid HPGPC-based strategy for quality control of saccharide-dominant herbal materials: Dendrobium officinale, a case study, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2014, 406,   6409-6417.


Jun-Yi Yin, Zhi-Hong Jiang, Hua Yu, Ming-Yong Xie, Wen-Luan Hsiao, Ai-Ping Lu, Quan-Bin   Han*, A new application of an aqueous diphase solvent system in one-step preparation of polysaccharide from the crude water extract of Radix Astragali by   high-speed counter-current chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1262, 92-97. IF: 4.61


Lin Li, Grace G.L. Yue, Clara B.S. Lau, Handong Sun, Kwok-pui Fung, Ping-chung Leung, Quan-Bin Han* and Po Sing Leung*, Eriocalyxin B induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells through caspase- and p53-dependent pathways, Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology, 2012, 262, 80-90. IF: 3.98


Xian-Jun Yu, Quan-bing Han*, Zhe-Sheng Wen, Liang Ma, Jin Gao Guang-Biao Zhou*, Gambogenic acid induces G1 arrest via GSK3β-dependent Cyclin D1 degradation and triggers autophagy in lung cancer cells, Cancer Letters,   2012, 322, 185-194. IF: 4.26


Jun-Yi Yin, Ben Chung-Lap Chan, Hua Yu, Iris Yuen-Kam Lau, Xiao-Qiang Han, Sau-Wan Cheng, Chun-Kwok Wong, Clara Bik-San Lau , Ming-Yong Xie, Kwok-Pui Fung, Ping-Chung Leung, Quan-Bin Han*, Separation, structure characterization, conformation and immunomodulating effect of a hyperbranched heteroglycan from Radix Astragali, Carbohydrate Polymers,   2012, 87, 667-75. IF: 3.48